Sep 25Liked by Vanessa McCausland

When my boys were little I used to fantasize about just driving away and leaving them and my husband to it. The physical and mental load of women and mothers is just so gigantic and unceasing, how could we not dream of running away?

I've been on a few writing retreats now, and they are just such treasured times. To talk with other writers, to walk in nature, and to be allowed to just think about writing - it's such a gift.

I still fantasize about running away and my boys are 20 and 23 now, so nothing really changes. I just plan my running away and make sure I end up at an afternoon writing workshop, or some readers festival or something.

Enjoy your retreat.

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Love this. Ha. I’ve got a long way to go then 😂 But you’re right, sometimes an afternoon (or a single day) helps.

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This is really beautiful Vanessa and something I feel strongly, and is also a theme I often visit in my writing, in real life it’s hard to get away, and in those circumstances I find myself often living a quiet life at home x

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Thanks Leanne. Thankfully we can escape in our stories! 🤍

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Sep 25Liked by Vanessa McCausland

Beautiful words indeed, Vanessa! I don't know how I missed your substack before now but am grateful for the recommendation via Belinda's new one. As I have said before, you have the soul of a poet and I love hearing 'your' voice here, as well as in your novels.

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Thank you, Kyra. That’s a big compliment coming from you as you also have a poetic inclination 🤍

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I loved how you wrote, “ Over the lives we live and have lived and might have lived.” One cannot really escape pondering what has happened, is happening and what may or may not happen in the future. Even the prospect of having made different decisions and life venturing down another path. I guess that is one of the reasons why I read. To feel what a different life may have been like.

I also loved your reflections on ‘awe’. I have consciously looked for and noted this in my life over the past short while. Getting out into nature is so important for me - even if it’s just in my back yard - to breathe in the balance that nature provides. It’s in the quiet places that the real me can be heard.

It is a challenge for my introverted self to get the balance right - most times I don’t. All those outside commitments and obligations and responsibilities become so loud and consuming at times. Taking that step back to regain one’s equlibrium is just so important.

Thank you for your words than encouraged me to reflect on all of these things. I just loved reading this Vanessa as I found myself nodding my head on so many occasions.

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I think it’s definitely an introverted person thing. Shutting out the noise is so important. I’m so happy you could relate. The other paths and reading is definitely something I feel, too.

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